Daybreak (I) (2019)
Starts off fun and goofy and just gets worse and woke
25 November 2019
This show is a cherry bomb that starts with magnificent bang but ultimately just breaks stuff and leaves a giant mess everywhere.

Having no expectations, from the oddness of the show, I really wanted to like this. But it both mocks while ultimately embracing painfully woke culture while nonsequitors lead from one bit of nonsense to the next in increasingly mottled and incoherent ways.

Somehow, in a "fun and qwerky" zombie show with Ferris Bueller and his obivous acolyte, josh, we get a longwinded dire lecture from a highschool kid about shaming and polyamory threesomes and whatever...and it isnt at all ironic. It is meant to be the ultimate subversive lynchpin of the show. Keep in mind this is a post apocalyptic zombie show with a murderous cheerleader zombie clique.

It leaves you frustrated by increasingly annoying characters more than enjoying any of it. It tries so damn hard to subvert expectations and be woke that it leaves you feeling like a battered wife being gaslit for 10 hours, being bounced back and forth between ever-changing inner-logic, character motivation, heavyhanded political messaging. This is despite many of the subversions eventually being transparent and seeable miles away once you catch on, and the ones you dont see dont make amy sense at all. Especially as it drags on...and on. Right up until the final scene which inexplicably (but very very predictably, based upon the politics of the show) flips the entire purpose of the leads on its head in the final 30 seconds for no logical reason.

Should have stopped watching after episode 8, but didnt. It was just so painful to watch and nonsensical. I wanted to kill all of them.

I implore you to just pay a few bucks to go see Zombieland 2 for better storytelling and more heartwarming and ridiculous irreverent satire on the genre.

This show is a cherry bomb that starts with magnificent bang but ultimately just breaks stuff and leaves a giant mess everywhere.
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