3022 (2019)
"Major Tom To Ground Control..."
23 November 2019
For many it will be (quoted in title) Bowie's surreal "Space Oddity" at times brutally (un)humane sci-fi. So, I'll stick to more scientific aspects. In which the movie is quite satisfying.

It is not unknown nor uncertain theory in past decades that the huge problem in long-term space traveling and missions is of psychological nature (Crew/Time). With a plentiful spectrum of elements that can be stratified in various ways (character profile, profession, age, communication, sex, etc.) There are indefinite combinations in mind, perception, imagination and other more subtle mental functions in play. Decent acting for that part.

As I see it, the movie carefully depicts many, above mentioned and more, combinations and particularities. Slowly rising from moment ticks to serious pathology. That's why for good part of audience it will be slow or boring in parts. But, exactly for it's realism in temporal and spatial pace and it's ambient claustrophobic tight space (that was actually always a case in space probes and vehicles; hence obvious detail of E. Musk's spacious design of crew interior in the x-spaceship for future Mars missions). Photography and colors were managed well to support atmosphere and ambience.

The real problem of the kind are not the ones we can imagine, test and simulate, but the ones that we can't. Those that eerily remain hidden and the movie exploits surreal psychosis from. Like profoundly social human being staying all alone in vastness of deep space. Also showing the bitter truth of one of the oldest univ. proverbs: "The biggest enemy of a human is another human". All this is a reason why today the space-mission scientists do a lot of testing in small, closed/isolated groups in confined spaces. Beside the horror side depicted in the movie, there are positive moments. Scenarios also for positive univ. proverbs like: "The darkest nights produce brightest stars". One must be strong and try, at least for not ending all alone unlike before mentioned.
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