Monsters: Stressed Environment (1990)
Season 3, Episode 1
Nifty episode
21 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Scientist Dr. Elizabeth Porter (nicely played by Carol Lynley) has spent twelve years raising lab rats in a stressed environment. Said lab rats turn out to be a whole lot more than she bargained for.

Director Jeffrey Wolf keeps the enjoyable and engrossing story moving along at a constant pace as well as builds a good deal of tension. Lynley displays an admirable amount of nuance and restraint in her role; she receives sound support from Victor Raider-Wexler as the nerdy Dr. Robert Winston, Scott Weir as disapproving superior Keith, and Kathleen McCall as ill-fated lab assistant Gina. The puppet rodents look pretty cool. The clever script by Neal Marshall Stevens provides a grim central message on the perils of messing with mother nature and ends on a chilling dark note. An on the money show.
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