It stars Richard Arlen and Lyle Talbot and it's a B-movie....need I say more?
20 November 2019
Lyle Talbot and Richard Arlen were good actors. They both made a few major pictures, such as "Three on a Match" and "Wings". But they also both made a ton of cheap and crappy B-movies...and Talbot even starred in the god-awful "Plan 9 From Outer Space". So, when I saw it was a B-movie with BOTH of them starring in it, I knew it had to be incredibly bad...sight unseen.

The film consists mostly of stock footage (a LOT of stock footage) strung together with a few studio-bound scenes as well. The sum effect is pretty cheap...even for a B. The story is set in the frozen north and concerns a wolf infestation that threatens to eat up the game...and leave the natives hungry. Along for the ride are a plucky white lady and a talking crow. Ironically, the B-movie I watched just before this was, believe it or not, all about a detective searching for a talking crow ("Find the Blackmailer")!

So is it any good? Of course not! It has a talking crow and that never is a good thing! Plus, while it might work if you use a little stock footage....but about 40% of the film appears to be exactly this! Also, while plucky and determined women are a good thing in real life, in the movie she really just seems headstrong and stupid...insisting on wintering over with the locals while they face starvation and have no food to share. Huh??? Overall, cheap and dull....and those are probably two of the nicer things I can say about the film!!
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