Should have been called, "The Slowness" instead.
20 November 2019
I saw this movie on Amazon and at one point considered buying the DVD. Then I saw it on Amazon Prime and was able to watch it free and I am so glad that I did not buy this one. I like horror movies set in caves, but this one was just so slow, even more slow than that Alien II: Alien on Earth film from Italy that takes its time to get the action going. It was 45 minutes before the first kill and reveal of the monster and the film was not lacking for people to kill. Should have been spread out way better.

The story has a cave where some miners are hired to investigate whether the mine is worth reopening or not. Apparently, there were attempts to reopen it before and strange stories about the first mining team that attempted to go for the gold. Well, the group finds out that there is something lurking within the caves as it begins to pick them off, one by one. as the miners feel the need to argue or interview the others for a book.

Had promise, but fails to deliver for the most part as I am betting the extremely small budget is the main reason why. The monster looks okay; however, it is stop motion so there is always a disconnect in the way it looks that makes it clear it is not really there. They did an okay job with the cave too, as they are not in a cave for a lot of it, but rather the director's grandparents' garage, so while it does not look like a cave on close inspection, you can kind of just roll with it. The main problem though are the characters that spend more time talking about books, telling awful jokes and arguing than being terrified of the monster.

So, in the end, very glad I did not buy this film. I have watched numerous cave horror films over the years and this one does rank near the bottom. The Boogens is a lot better monster in the cave movie made around the same time as this one and it isn't all that great. I also think if your going to title your movie The Strangeness, you need more going on than just one monster. That title makes me think that there is going to be strange happenings like corridors suddenly disappearing and pitfalls opening underfoot, rather than just a stop motion vagina monster (yes, its mouth looks exactly like a vagina).
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