Wasted opportunity
19 November 2019
The biggest failure of this movie was the filmmaker's total inability to make full use of Nawazuddin's immense talent. He was extremely restrained,reserved and underplayed his role/character totally which robbed us the viewers of getting a chance to see how good he really is in comedy a la Sanjeev Kumar/Amitabh Bachchan. This was a huge factor in the movie failing to hit the mark. On the other hand Ms.Shetty(Sunil Shetty's daughter)who made her debut in this movie was brilliant and definitely has the potential to go on to bigger things where her acting is concerned. The rest of the cast like the direction,screenplay and editing were all way below average. The movie at 2.21 hrs was at least 20 minutes too long. Thankfully there were no songs. It's a major pity that we could not get to see NS in full form otherwise the movie would have been beautiful purely because of his superb acting NS's USP is his brilliant acting;nothing else! And if you don't capitalize on that,then why have him in the film. 4/10
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