The Walking Dead: Open Your Eyes (2019)
Season 10, Episode 7
Again an Amazing Episode !
17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
4 Episodes in a row we get amaing Episodes of THe Walking Dead !

The 10. Season turns out to be truly awesome and great

Well, next week we will have the Midseason-Finale and The Walking Dead almost never dissapoints with that kind of Episodes !

The Dante-Twist.......

I knew it !

Well...... kind of

I had a lot of theories about him....

1. He is an imagination from Siddiq due to his PTSD

2. Hes an love interest , Dante is in Love with Siddiq

3. He´s an Whisperer in an Undercover Mission

well, turns out Nr. 3 was right.......I seriosly thought, while Siddiq stood near the Window that they would either Kiss or Someone else like Daryl or Caryl would enter the Room and question, with whoom Siddiq is talking ( because of the theory, that Dante isn´t Real )

Amazing Conclusion of that big Question, i liked it very much how they solved that !

The Flashbacks again were very traumatic to watch, i feel so freaking sorry for Siddiq

Ps. At The One Scene were Siddiq and Rosita were at the peer and talked about the traumatic events...there was one scene, were he mentioned Dante and she looked confused, as if she didnt knew about who he is talking .....but maybe thats just clever made from the producers to Confuse us, the fans into thinking Dante isnt real !!

AMAZING Episode, i am so freaking exited for the Midseason-Finale next week

This Season is just Awesome !

Greetings From Germany (:
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