In for a Rollercoaster Ride
17 November 2019
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, what a title, and what a movie. Whether you enjoyed it or hated it, it's pretty understandable.

The movie has exceptional visuals and effects. The sounds (fright moments included) are perfect, as well as the lighting. Definitely a movie where the audience can attach themselves to the characters as the characters have pretty good developments. Since it's not just a single monster/entity killing everyone, you'll really surprised around the corners to see what comes next. The details and population crew are... shall we say, "spared no expenses."

Would've been perfect, and could be, if you could only ignore the dents and scratches that pops up occasionally. The movie is quite the immersion, and you could really get into it, quite deep, only to be stopped by a brick wall. There are several scenes of the film that brings you back into reality when you noticed those minor, but obvious details. Just when the momentum gets going, you get halted by... poor acting(?). Maybe it's just a misunderstanding of character emotion on my part, but whatever it is, it gives critics and movie enjoyers something easy to pick at.
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