To be honest
15 November 2019
When I gave my previous review, I'll be honest, I had never seen the film. I just saw clips that I thought looked decent for who made it and for how long it took. On top of that, the director is a friend of mine and he's still really young. I finally watched the full film last night and to be completely honest, it wasn't good. I hate going back on my word with things but this film needed a lot of work. I'll start with the good first:

Ayden Tyler Hatch did a pretty good job in his role and delivered throughout.

The costume design/props were pretty solid, especially for the budget.

Not so good things:

The audio was very poor. The dialogue was super quiet, so when I would go to turn up the volume to hear it better, a VFX sound would occur and blow my eardrums out. There needs to be a balance between the two mediums so they can both be heard clearly.

The storyline was very convoluted and confusing, thus making the film unintentionally funny at times.

The rest of the acting was very cheesy and amateur and a lot of the characters felt miscast.

The FX were really cheesy. I completely understand that this is a student film but when it comes to student films, it's always better to start with smaller concepts rather than giant explosions and violence.

The bad thing is that this film isn't very good. The good thing is that it's such an early project for a young filmmaker. They'll be able to learn from their mistakes and go on to make better material :)
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