Truly outstanding documentary- why isn't it available anywhere?
14 November 2019
Saw this at Sundance 2018 and was blown away.

Not only does it tell the tragic true story of what happened at Standing Rock (and the lasting repercussions, like activists still in jail), it's also a beautiful work of cinema.

Maybe it hasn't been released (and showered in the awards it deserves) because it's a bit too uncompromising for a certain kind of "art house"/film festival demographic. It's made by a Native filmmaker and centers the Native experience- white people who tried to horn in on the protests without making any real sacrifices are (rightly) mocked. And politicians, including the US president at the time, who used the Standing Rock Sioux for photo ops, but were nowhere to be found when the chips were down, also don't come off too well.

This is one of the most true movies you'll ever see, and the truth isn't always pleasant.
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