Decent film, just too much for a movie
11 November 2019
I have to admit when I first saw this movie, I was a bit disappointed. I've seen it again since and I felt like I nailed down the problem. Honestly, there isn't much wrong with the film. It has an interesting plot, great characters, good actors, even good dialogue. Really the main problem is it's just too much in such a confined time period. It's visually stunning and exciting, but it's like going to Disney World, standing in the middle of the park just looking at everything and trying to decide where to go next. It's all thrilling, but it moves so fast that you can't quite catch up. I honestly feel this would have been an excellent tv series, perhaps on HBO or Starz. That would have allowed the story to roll out at a far more reasonable pace.

As it is, it's a good story, just a better fit for the TV screen than the silver screen.
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