The Cowboys (1972)
One of my top 3 Westerns. True Grit, The Cowboys and Lonesome Dove
10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers

I watched this as a boy. This was the movie that made me love John Wayne and hate Bruce Dern. 5o years later, I still can't stand Bruce Dern. I know it was just a movie, but he killed John Wayne! Forgiveness isn't in me.

Roscoe Lee Brown was amazing in this movie. His acting. His voice. His delivery. It doesn't get any better. "I regret trifling with married women. I'm thoroughly ashamed at cheating at cards. I deplore my occasional departures from the truth. Forgive me for taking your name in vain, my Saturday drunkenness, my Sunday sloth. Above all, forgive me for the men I've killed in anger............ and those I am about to." Those words still send a chill down my spine.

I've watched it dozens of times; it never gets old. I have a photo of Wayne and the boys on my wall. I was shocked when John Wayne was killed. Simply dumbstruck. I couldn't believe it. But I cheered out loud when the boys killed the bad guys. And I cried and laughed when they couldn't find his grave at the end. Still do, 50 years later.

"We're burning daylight."

"It's not how you're buried. It's how you're remembered. It's how I remember him.
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