it's more like Nicholas Cage & Laurence Fishburne are both Running with paycheck
10 November 2019
Come on people this is most worstest film ever i have seen and film is trying to hard, i like movies drug trafficking and Mexico all that and in this movie what i like is just 2 actors are not really that much in movie and The way the cocaine travels from a to b was amazing, I like the way the price kept going up as it reaches its destination. but this film are you series ? because i thought this film no great performance or phenomenal performance don't ever expect that at all

i know what people want from those 2 actors but i know what i was getting myself into. i thought this film is flat out Nicholas Cage looks bored he is not barely in film, Lawrence Fishburne great actor as well he is running with paycheck given nothing to do in this movie its like both of them are Torture and Hypocrisy , what a waste of 2 good actors completely wasted them and Nicholas cage is their and their he is not much in movie to honest, Lawrence Fishburne looks rough, and tried like he is sleep walking through out movie. the Nicholas Cage and Lawrence Fishburne that can only walk through the roles. It had a lot of potential and all film is boring just very boring to watch, nothing is thrilling, nothing is intense nothing is if you want suspense their is no suspense. title running with devil Not sure who's the Devil ?? The movie was

kind of intriguing, but the dumb all of a sudden ending spoiled it. i thought the writing of movie is too easy far far too easy the story and script it's so easy like director or writers are like Terrible script and horrible directing - amateur first time beginner from a student who just finished high school. The movie starts with way too many subplots with silly labels like the audience are morons and it continues with endless set up after set up trying to be a pseudo Sicario that falls flat. and ending of film has stolen idea from sicario day of the soldado if you seen it, you know what i mean. the story follows he cook (Nicholas Cage) who is part time pizza worker, and does drugs part time who has a wife who is pregnant as well he is not really of bad guy but i thought he did okay but it's still i know he is not going to give best performance is because i know what type of movie is this anyway. and then you have The Man (Lawrence Fishburne) he is a drug attract he has a wife and kid but you have feelings for his character at all, he is type of bad guy of what he is. i thought this was stupidest scene ever what turned me on is 1 hot girl who is hooker as working girl 2 (Ava Del Cielo) and Working Girl Two (Joanne Nguyen) turned me on but then after that they both got killed off all over drug overdose most stupidest scene ever and specially i don't like looking at pretty girls getting killed in films not my picture not my thing. you have the man friend the snitch (Adam Goldberg)

known for saving private Ryan, Déjà Vu, Once Upon a Time in Venice he is snitch the man wants him to rid off girls but one is alive you never knew what happened to girls later on witch is sad :( as i said don't like looking at dead girls. he is car doing cook put those 2 girls at his car while a police car cross street seeing something is not normal then he got caught i thought this writing of film is far too easy. then you have this chick who is FBI The Agent in Charge (Leslie Bibb) known for Iron Man 1&2, Law Abiding Citizen she is looking for the cook and stopping people shipping drugs her sister and her brother in law are dead because off drug she finds her niece she is on hunt. and another cast is so super wasted like Cole Hauser, Clifton Collins Jr, they don't have enough

screen time and Barry Pepper as well sadly he play's a dirty agent. and to be honest i got to tell you, you don't see Nicholas cage and Lawrence Fishburne together until together for like half hour and end of film as well. this film when they make drugs in that package has a devil sign to it as well that never tells mostly you have some scenes where FBI or police finds dead people from taking drugs that's the all film it's nothing specially at all to be honest i know people love still to see Nicholas Cage okay i just saw a better movie to this it's called kill chain that's a much better movie then to this crap. and you don't get enough screening time Nicholas cage or Lawrence this is slowest burning your time, movie will trick you, steal your time and money and it will run away, your time will be run out time. and believe me. don't worry the twist is all nothing special at all, you see it coming like thousand miles away this film is a very empty ending ever see i love Van Damme, Willis, Lundgren, Seagal, Snipes direct to DVD movies that are much, much better then what Nicholas Cage is doing because i like Nicholas Cage couple of them like The Rock, Face-off, Con Air, Snake Eyes, 8MM, Gone in Sixty Seconds, Windtalkers, Lord of War, Ghost Rider 1&2, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans, Drive Angry. then later on i didn't bother with him because rest of his films after that sucked poor direct to DVD films what he does but expect his recent movie come out last year called Mandy (2018) film witch is one of worth watching watchable unforgettable film ever that's amazing movie, and Kill chain not perfect movie but at least it's better then this crap. don't waste your time, money just for both of those talent actors who don't use talent in movie, because they both are not in movie that much they both won't appear until half hour that's it where it's middle of movie.
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