Review of Strongman

Jack Ryan: Strongman (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
How did it all go so wrong
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While season 2 wasn't as good as 1, It was at least decent and entertaining, right up until this episode. Then it totally went off the rails; practically nothing that happens in this episode is within the realm of believability.

The helicopter flight was so ridiculous, it was hard to accept that they even put it in. But even more hilarious was how they didn't have authorization to kill the president (on a completely unsanctioned mission) but somehow, it's A-OK to murder dozens of innocent guards just doing their duty? And in front of a massive PARTY on ELECTION DAY, no less? But since they didn't shoot the president, apparently the rest is going to be fine, and won't cause an international incident of cataclysmic proportions, because of course it won't. Why? BECAUSE IT WON'T, THAT'S WHY.

Those are not necessarily even the most egregious examples, just the ones that stood out most to me.

This is not Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan any more, not even remotely. It is 100% Hollywood.

At this point, I have no interest in any future seasons of this.
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