Entertaining B scifi programmer
5 November 2019
While this movie was made just a few years prior to 2001 A Space Odyssey, it seems very much a throwback to the decade prior. I watched it with that level of suspension of disbelief, treating it like 1950s B science fiction, and found it fast-paced and entertaining. Naturally, the science is not very scientific, but that is never the point in this kind of movie anyway. What I genuinely admire about this little low-budget flick is that all of the actors take their roles seriously, so not only is the acting not half-bad, there are even a few moments where it seems almost to naturalistic. In addition, the screenwriter/s made some attempts at banter between the characters which actually work fairly well. Similarly, we even have a few oblique camera angles and a POV shot of the fungus crawling over the camera lens. None of these little creative flourishes would have found their way into a little movie like this if the technicians involved weren't making some effort.

Mutiny in Outer Space is not a classic, but it is a fun relic for fans of this kind of movie from that era, and it's good that it has managed to survive in the public domain.
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