The Walking Dead: What It Always Is (2019)
Season 10, Episode 5
The Cold War Continues
4 November 2019
It's been a long time since we've had a Negan centric storyline, and while the show once again proved that the cast is probably too large, this season's arc seems to be picking up slowly but surely. Several different story bits were played out this week as Kelly was on her own amidst walkers and Whisperers in the forests, while Daryl & Connie went looking, Ezekiel unveiled a secret, Gamma underwent more trauma, and Negan sprung loose and eventually met up with The Whisperers.

I will gladly take anything we can get with Connie and Daryl teaming up or simply sharing the screen. Those two are dynamic together and at this point, may be the best pairing of the entire cast. Heck, they even had a brief moment that looked like it could have been leading towards something romantic, though I don't think Daryl is attracted to anybody at this point.

Negan was given the chance to monologue a bit this week after a long absence of being in a cell for a season and a half. Of course, trouble always follows him, so his peace and quiet didn't last long as he had a Negan worshipper "helping" him out along the way. A brutally devastating re-awakening for a character who we thought may have metaphorically gone to sleep. But it looks like, especially now with Lucille and his classic jacket, there's more story here. In many ways, this arc felt so much like Magneto from X-Men Apocalypse. The guy can't escape violence.

The stuff with Ezekiel was really poignant and eye-opening. One would never consider a character on this show to die from cancer, but it looks like he may be heading that way. Simply from a story perspective, I thought the idea of bringing this into the show was creative and fascinating. I love when the show sits back and does something you never thought was possible. It will eventually be tough to see him go, but I love what this might bring to Khary Payton's role this season.

It's a slow burn this year, very much like a cold war like Angela Kang had mentioned, but I'm looking forward to what these next few episodes may bring as the mid-season finale approaches.

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