Fake sci-fi is always a waste of time, and this one is no exception
1 November 2019
So, we have a research facility in a secluded place where this evil corporation is performing tests with human subjects. They recruit a doctor who was expelled because she did something nasty to resus monkeys in her own experiments. They put her monitoring a subject who is a former (american) football player and a convicted man who became paraplegic after an "accident" in prison. This guy has an unusual genetic makeup, so they want him for testing their evil nanoparticle-thingamabob designed to create super-soldier. So there you have it: the plot can only account for 10 minutes of film, so they had to dill the other 70 minutes with idiotic BS and lame fight scenes. Only thing good in this movie is the production design. Great job, probably with near-zero budget. Everything else is really shoddy, with the exception of the lead who turns out to be a casting error because he is the only one who actually delivers: everyone else is a dud. Bottom line: skip this and find something more interesting to do for 80 minutes, like watching the grass grow.
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