Portions of the film are well staged
31 October 2019
The scenes of this three-part drama shift from America to India and have to do with an American girl, who was stolen by the priests of a temple, while visiting India with her parents. The girl was then too young to realize what had happened. The adventures she is made to pass through by her creator are decidedly more romantic than real, and will not impress the sophisticated observer very deeply. The manner in which her father and mother give the priests the opportunity to steal the girl is crudely planned, and the ease with which the hero effects her rescue, at the climax, is startling without being impressive. Portions of the film are well staged, but Director Kenean Buel is occasionally very much at fault. Alice Joyce, Arthur Albertson, Helen Lindroth, Guy Coombs and Jere Austin complete the cast of principals. - The Moving Picture World, March 27, 1915
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