Spirited (2010–2011)
31 October 2019
I have been an stalker for over 10 (15?) years now, and have never rated or written a review.

I stumbled upon this when Amazon suggested it. I watched the first episode and almost turned it off. I found Suzy so off-putting and Steve so obnoxious. It seemed like it was trying too hard to be funny.

However, after watching the final episode tonight, I broke down in tears. Not necessarily because of the ending, but because in 20 episodes, the characters had developed so fully and so wonderfully, I was absolutely devastated by the thought of saying goodbye.

I am a sucker for this type of TV show. Monster of the week with a little bit of fantasy is exactly my cup of tea. This delivers. It has a steady pulse throughout the show, and some overarching plot lines, but the main focus is always captured within each episode. It has this lovely touch of magic that encourages you to still wonder, to not close the door on absurd ideas. Including love. It's wonderfully romantic without being too wishy-washy. If you've ever loved but been apart from someone, it captures that feeling perfectly.

The writers kept it light, but still created characters with such a depth of feeling, you couldn't help but feel like you knew them a little bit. I encourage everyone to watch this show.
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