Could just be called the Henry Ford History
30 October 2019
This mini series as much as I would love to say its a great history of cars in America falls very short. The program constantly repeats itself like most shows on the history channel if they actually played it though without all the recaps of what they actually showed you it would probably be about 2 hours of real content. As for history they don't even mention many american car makers and many others they just touch on this is mainly a story about Henry Ford much more than all the Cars that made America. There were many car manufacturer that sold many cars that are not even mentioned. If you do some searching you will find there were hundreds if not in the thousands of companies that built cars in the United States they only talk about the big three in this show Were is Packard , Studebaker, AMC ,Keiser, Nash ect... They just spend so much time rehashing stuff and going into the personel lifes of the top three automakers. I would love to see an actual history of all the manufactures and what they came up with in innovation. I found this show a waste of time for the most part some good info but could have been so much better
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