The Flash: There Will Be Blood (2019)
Season 6, Episode 4
I had a feeling this episode is gonna be amazing
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why : Mainly, flash episodes has side plots that are so un-necessary, but in this episode there is none. Ralph-iris builting for 'sue-dibny' storyline is actually a main storyline for ralph dibney, in-fact the storyline is canon.

I can allow filler moments in main storyline like...'pep talks' if something went wrong.

Remember when they said in one of 'the flash s5 interviews' 'cicada will be a scariest among the villains of the flash' and was a joke. -bad acting -over-hyped villain

And eric wallace says the season will be 'chills & thrills' and once again he says the villain is 'scary' and i think he basically said he 'loves' s1,s2,s3 of the flash and reverse flash as a villain.

Pros: -bloodwork is actually scary(hospital scene)

-barry believed cisco 'should' take a lead in tf

-joe and barry's emotional scene.( i h've never seen joe cry like that'


-ralph foreshadowing his future moment (lol)


-bloodwork killing? Now that whts trigger tf (i know villains kill) ramsey is a DOCTOR, he's suppose to help people not kill.

-Bloodwork motives were pretty interesting. He killing not because he wants to, he just killing to survive, he actually hesitate when he sees his 'doctor vow', he was mad because his mom died by not fighting, as for his turn, he's fighting 'way too hard' for his disease, thats what make him snapped.

-ofc barry as a leader

Cons :

-i think the uses of kf is way too much, they actually need caitlin for this kind of stuff.

Ep 5, and ep 6 seems to filler/character development episodes for both cisco and ralph.

Ep 6 & 7 is 2 parters for a main story.
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