Love in the Countryside (2018–2019)
Great Show, Need Some Adjustments
26 October 2019
Love In The Country - Series 2

I love this show and I get the feeling only Sara Cox could make this show a success. It certainly highlights the problems of modern life for all of us, ironically social networking creates greater isolation due to apathy.

Things That Are A Total Bore

Keep reiterating it's all hard work.

Keep inferring the prospective partner has to give up their life.

Keep dwelling on the 24 hour nature of farming when it is moments of intense work and moments of doing nothing.

Keeping dwelling on excrement believe me farming has not cornered the market.

Things That Are Of Concern

Sara needs to steer the daters away from a choice based totally on physical attraction.

More needs to be known about the candidates a letter and a photo is not sufficient, perhaps a little video and the answers to some prepared questions.

The interview process needs softening the current arrangement is too cold.

I look forward to series 3 and the review of the success of series 1 and 2.
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