Bonehill Road (2017)
Bonehead Roadkill
26 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sad to say in a movie universe full of vampires and zombies there still aren't very many decent lycanthrope films out there. "Bonehill Road" definitely fits in the void of pitiful werewolf flicks. In fact it has more to do with a nasty psychopath cannibal than the actual werewolves themselves. The protagonists are an abused mother and her daughter who manage to get themselves captured by a random cannibalistic psycho after leaving their abandon car. This mom and daughter (who couldn't act) left their vehicle after getting it trashed after stopping to check on an animal they thought they hit. They could have kept driving it but no, to keep the story going they had to be dumb and they were good at that. Once inside the house with the butchering psycho, the two watched him mangle a couple of previous hostages. They eventually knocked him out but stupidly left him alive to do more damage before throwing him outside to some waiting werewolves. These werewolves (men in gorilla suits) were shown periodically between scenes just kicking it around the house, looking for something to do. They slowly dismember the trashy psycho cannibal as he cusses them and flips them off. Finally Grampa arrives after miraculously tracking them down to the house. He happens to have a handy axe and dispatches one of the weregorillas on his way inside. Other silliness occurs before they attempt to escape. One girl in a bathtub, who the cannibal psycho had been feeding on, turns into a pitifully made up were-creature and attacks the truck but nothing really happened, just like nothing of value really happens in this whole movie. Finally, the men in the were-gorilla 🦍 costumes just stand there and watch as the survivors drive off down Bonehead Road. And that's "The End" of this sad, painful movie.
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