Mad Men: Christmas Waltz (2012)
Season 5, Episode 10
The Kinsey Complex
25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The pipe smoking Orson Welles lookalike Paul Kinsey was a pretentious character on Mad Men, on purpose, and one of the main cast in the first three seasons, a beatnik very ahead of his time...

But he returns here a hairless Hare Krishna who writes a really awful Star Trek spec script, and his backstory after we'd last seen him is given as being a failure after being pretty much abandoned with the old Sterling Cooper offices, which in itself was unfair since he was one of the original characters, and is far more known for this show than the annoyingly contrived Ginsberg (and Sal, too, was a great original character, and he never even gets a goodbye)...

But more on Trek... Nicholas Guest, Christopher's Spinal Tap brother, plays an Englishmen, and he was in The Wrath of Khan, so that's something there... Also, Kinsey script is about the black race enslaving the write race, which didn't happen on Trek, however, Gene Roddenberry made a TV movie called PLANET EARTH where women enslave men (which actually happens anyway)...

Then there's the Joan and Don story... the two perfect looking characters that everyone has thought, at least twice, they should hook up but then quickly realizes, it would be just too perfect...

It's like an episode of MASH when they had Hawkeye and Hot Lips stranded together... a kind of fantasy coupling of male and female fan-favorites, and these two always did compliment either other while being, on their own, too good for the other, somehow... or something...

Anyhow, it was nice they were finally put together for a story-line, probably the best thing going on in this episode. Better than Kinsey Krishna, and better than what they eventually do to Lane Pryce... god, talk about getting rid of a great character without any respect..

And for the reviewers who think this episode made the Krishna movement look negative, boy oh boy, what thin skin you have. Imagine what Christians go through on almost all shows and movies...
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