Review of Gemini Man

Gemini Man (2019)
Why did I see this movie?
25 October 2019
So apparently the director of this movie, Ang Li, is known for his technological achievements in film. He directed Life of Pie. I'll get into the "technological achievements" in a second but I want to address the story behind this film. So in 1995 This movie was supposed to star Nicolas Cage and it had a different director. People kept coming in and dropping out of the project. They rotated through actors, producers, writers, directors you name it!

I will continue this conversation when we get into the bad things. But their are good things in this movie, it's just that the badness shines through. First of all the movie looks nice in terms of color and contrast. When Junior (young Will Smith) is in the shadows and darkness he actually looks like Will Smith from the 90's. Will Smith also does a convincing performance as Junior, he sounds like how he did. The shootouts and action scenes have good choreography and sound mixing. The Cinematography ranges from pretty good to ok. And all the lead characters have a dynamic... it's a weak one, but it's there.

Now the bad stuff: The script is D class, Rampage, Skyscraper, Venom levels bad. ESPECIALLY the dialogue. Characters just tell us things that we don't see, we just believe it because Will Smith said so, or they tell us something really cool that happened off screen. Kinda like the (dare I say it) STAR WARS prequels, when Obi Wan and Anakin have no chemistry so Lucas just maid them tell us that they're friends. Like when they're in the elevator, and they're like: Remember the time when you saved me, remember the time we did that thing, BLaH bLah BlAh bLaH bLAh BlaH. That happens a lot in this movie. If you were a talented writer you would let us figure it out. There are also lots of plot holes, wooden acting when Will Smith is Henry (old Will Smith) and from the lady and Wong from Doctor Strange when he doesn't say anything funny. Also when CGI Will Smith is out in the daytime you can see the imperfections on his face. Especially when his lip moves in the daytime, it looks really bad.

SPOILERS I guess it isn't that but still. Henry (old Will Smith) says he's deathly allergic to bee venom and he mentions it like 4 times, and it's so obvious that the bee venom will come in later and when Henry is injected with bee venom his friends cure him of it instantly. Henry gives a long monologue to Junior about how he feels, like, you don't know how he feels, you know his physical traits not his mental state. Wong didn't have to die and the last scene of the movie is trash.

Gemini Man had some cool, some terrible writing and in the end the good and bad break even which means you've got yourself a 5/10. It did nothing to raise or lower my view of the movie. I also never believed Will Smith as "Henry" I just saw Will Smith showing up for a paycheck. Look forward to my review for: The Untouchables. Shortly after there will be some Spooky Reviews coming soon, including but not limited to: Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween (1978) Scream 1, 2 and 3 and The Shining. Possibly even reviews of Friday the 13th parts 1-4 if I have the time.
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