Best movie of Marco Berger till date
22 October 2019
I have always liked Marco Berger's movies in the past. However, his last couple of movies did not impress me that much.

So I watched this movie with comparatively low expectations. But now I am so impressed with this movie. This movie is not just about gorgeous men with hot male nudity. The romance evolved between two men has shown in such a beautiful way. I loved the way how the director has depicted a very slow growth of love between two leading characters.

Sex scenes in this movie which contain hot male nudity are also done in a very beautiful and erotic movie. Acting of two leading men Gaston Re(As Gabriel) and Alfonso Barón(as Juan)is fantastic. Not only that director has worked on even minor characters. Even minor characters like June's friends and girlfriend and Gabe's family memebers have contributed to the storyline.

Even train which is used by Juan and Gabe for daily commute between work and home has played an important character. The sexual tension shown between Juan and Gabriel while they travel daily in the train is inescapable and I am really looking forward to see this movie again when it will available on amazon to rent
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