Teen Mom OG (2009– )
What message does this send out to teenage girls?
21 October 2019
Now, call this a case of the pot calling the kettle black, because reality shows are aimed toward my demographic. Some I watch out of curiosity, like Love Island, others I am just baffled and avoid like the plague.

The basic premise of this show is that it revolves around a bunch of shallow teenage girls who ended up getting pregnant and becoming celebrities. That's it. Honestly, how this show even got to air is absolutely beyond me. You hear stories that reality shows promote bad messages to young people and you see them struggling with mental health and body image. What message is this sending out: "Girls, if you want to REALLY become famous, get pregnant by a scumbag and you'll be golden!" Yeah, that's the way to do it. Much to the detriment of your social life and education.

And what will happen to them when their five minutes of unwarranted fame are over and their boyfriend runs off with the next floozy he comes across? You know, the one he met behind the KFC that closed down due to food poisoning.

And I doubt these girls are good role models to their children. I bet they just parade them around like those dogs in handbags before dumping them on their smackhead parents and going off to party with their shallow mates.

In short, this show must be immediately cancelled and consigned to the history books.
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