DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Night of the Hawk (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Not a lot to Say
17 October 2019
This series is a pleasantly mind numbing. I don't mean that as an attack. I mean this term as a compliment in that I know many watch series such as "Legends" to escape the everyday (e.g. the never-ending saga of Trumpism being touted through every possible media system). This episode is kind of cute and at least eased the pain I felt toward "Rip" in the previous one ("Marooned.")

So what can I say about this episode: we learn about the sexual repression and liberation of "Sara" (Caity Lance); we learn that there are cheesy effects; we learn that there can be some action (I don't want to ruin anything); we learn that "Savage (don't you love the pun of his name)" (Casper Crump) is slippery than s---well you know how he is; and lastly we learn the writers do not do their research since "ninja" was not used in American English until 1964--6 years after the time of this episode (at least according to Merriam-Webster).

For mindless escape, join in the fun!
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