The Flash: A Flash of the Lightning (2019)
Season 6, Episode 2
Prepare for the Crisis!
16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode fittingly titled "Flash of the Lightning" saw Barry visiting Jay Garrick on Earth-3. He tried to travel to the future to see the crisis for himself, but was blocked by anti matter. This is a reference to how the Flash died in the comic book Crisis on Infinite Earths. Despite, not being able to travel to the future, Barry still saw the crisis thanks to Jay and Joan Garrick. He put on Jay's helmet and saw billions of possible outcomes that could happen. This storyline was the most entertaining and interesting for me in this episode.

The Bloodwork storyline felt lame and uninteresting. It did not manage to make him a compelling villain which is disappointing considering he will only appear in the first half of the season. Hopefully, he will have a bigger role in the next episode.

The villain of the week seemed quite bland and forgettable. The whole storyline with Cecile and Allegra was quite uninteresting and predictable.

I really enjoy how the show is handling the Killer Frost character this season by giving her more screen time. She was a delight in this episode and made hilarious remarks about the paintings.

To conclude, while I did not enjoy this episode as much as I hoped I would, it was still a solid episode for the Flash.
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