Madam Secretary: The Strike Zone (2019)
Season 6, Episode 2
Huge Gaff!! - Senators do not have congressional districts.
15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love MS. The show has a real feel and it seems like a lot of research and advice goes into making it feel authentic. I have a law degree, so I have some basis to comment. This episode, however, goofed big time. Ms. Pres meets a "Senator" and is informed he is from the Maine 2nd congressional district. She repeats "Senator" and tells him she can do a lot for his congressional district. Now, Elizabeth is supposed to be under stress in this episode, so it could be intentional. The "Senator" is also supposed to be a bit dotty. But to think that Mike B and the aide overhearing, meaning four professional politicians, would not notice this incongruity stretches reality. Senators doe not have congressional districts. U.S. Congresspeople serve specific districts. Senators are elected state-wide and serve the whole state (or an undefined half since there are two). Totally not impressed with a political show that doesn't seem to understand this basic civics concept.
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