14 October 2019
What holds this movie back is not the lack of funding, which is evident in many places - lots of re-used sets that all have to be kept as un-gritty as possible so they can be used for other places of the facility, overall looking quite painted plywood-like, bad techy bits in nonsensical arrangements and hectic, claustrophobic camera cuts that try to make the place seem larger than it is.

That's forgivable if the writing can make up for it. Sadly it can't. At all. Did you think the last Doom game had a thin plot? It is a masterpiece compared to this.

The dialogues are on the level of what hollywood generally has produced in the past years - filled with cliches, sexual references that are out of place and plain dumb, and so much idiocy that you seriously have to wonder why the humanity of the future has not yet blown itself up. Rational thinking? What's that, can you eat it? Do they hire scriptwriters out of pre-school?

Clearly the only qualification for any and all jobs - be it scientist, engineer, pilot or military personnel - is that one is able to yell incoherent things in an angry way, and try really hard to get into someone's pants. Oh and consume alcohol of course.

I've given it two stars because the exterior scenes of the ship are decenly done and of notably higher quality than the rest of the VFX shots. That still does not make this a watchable movie. If you must, fast-forward through it.
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