9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this, being a fan of Jodorowsky's psycho-magical artistry, particularly his graphic novel works, such as "The Incal", and his writings on the Tarot.

I'm sure I could spend hours trying to un-pick the layers of very subjective to the film-maker motif in the film, but I'm not the Director, so it ultimately makes little sense to me, and proved frustrating to try and engage with.

Equally frustrating was the nudity and unpleasantly related graphic behaviours, as well as the Mother's delivery of all her lines in operatic singing, which was profoundly jarring.

The high definition digital format doesn't suit Jodorowsky's surrealist imagery as well as the film stock used for his earlier, more mystical works, such as "The Holy Mountain".

I lost interest about three quarters of the way through, but I stuck it out to the end, remembering the promise from other viewers that's it's final shots were worth getting to; sadly they were not.
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