As THE PHANTOM Comic Strip Tells Us, It's 'The Ghost WHO Walks'
8 October 2019
Arthur Lake has just gotten married to Lynne Roberts. They are on their way to honeymoon at Lake's sister's mountain lodge, but the radio show they both work for -- he as the sound effects man, she as a performer -- insist on coming along so they can rehearse. Rehearsals are interrupted when the producer is murdered and turns up in the frustrated honeymooners' bed. Lake is accused of the murder because the writers thought it funnier that way.

It's a mystery with a random murderer, and a comedy, of course, by the standards of those who think Mr. Lake is funny enough to carry a comedy; I'm not one of those people. Lake plays the same comedy character he had played since silent movies, the same one you can see in the Blondie series. Director Lew Landers, a B specialist, allows his performers to run pretty much riot, but alas, there's little that's funny here unless you're into the the shtick of the performers. At barely more than an hour, it seems much longer.
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