Not As Bad As People Say
8 October 2019
I love Doom. All the games. The first movie. But this could've been a lot better, honestly.

I think it's unfairly attacked, but I understand and agree with many of those attacks, like Doomguy-once again-not being in the movie. By now, he should've been. But it's hard to put Doomguy in the forefront of a sci-fi horror mystery film, and I completely understand it. Many folks are saying the female lead is an SJW thing, but I'd have to disagree. It doesn't come across like that to me, at all, but the movie definitely doesn't feel any closer to the games, as an adaptation. I get why fans would be mad. At least the first film adaptation had tons of gore and cool moments. It's very stylish, which is a plus. This film doesn't feel anywhere as cheap as most low-budget sci-fi flicks, but it certainly feels like a straight-to-DVD flick (which it is lol).

I will say this: the last ten minutes or so were awesome, and I wish the budget allowed for way more of that. THAT was what cinematic Doom's film adaptation should be more like, by the time it ends.

In the end, I'd say the film doesn't drop the ball, but it certainly struggles to hold it still.

It's a big, dumb horror science movie, and it doesn't need intelligence (just like the games).
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