Thriller: The Big Blackout (1960)
Season 1, Episode 12
Thriller's first season had some real duds.
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This starts off very promising with alcoholics anonymous sponsor Jack Carson finding himself drawn back to his past of black-outs and forgotten past as he begins to wonder about all of this events he's forgotten, making him wonder if he was somehow involved in organized crime. Wife Nan Leslie and assistant Jeanne Cooper try to aide him in finding the truth out about himself, especially after one of the people he's trying to help go sober is killed while in rehab.

The road to recovery wasn't even as twisted as this messed up script that gives good material for the individual performers to sink their teeth into but unfortunately rings a complete false note as an entire episode. It's trying too hard once again to be intelligent, and unfortunately that just makes this episode very pretentious and messy.

It's always good to see the young Jeanne Cooper before she became one of daytime's most popular matriarchs, and Charles McGraw is excellent as a raspy-voiced detective. But as evidenced by the episodes surrounding this, "Thriller" as it reached the first half of its first season wasn't really doing very well with quality complex episodes, even though it had some top-notch actors, writers and directors. The problem here is that a tries to put too much into a 50-minute episode and it's too much convoluted detail to really be convincingly set up and wrapped up.
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