Corruption isn't just a Data thing
7 October 2019
I saw the 6.8 rating and was so stunned at the low rating that I thought I'd do what I could to help the show and add my two cent.. I'll start by saying that I only started watching the show because I couldn't find anything else on and was looking for an hour to kill but after the first episode I was so hooked I needed to know more so I ended up watching the following three episodes.. I also see that the former sheriffs family member must've wrote a review because they rated it a 1/10 and said it "lacking of solid, critical thinking or the hard, neutral questioning that good investigations put forward" and called into question the credibility of the witnesses which is crazy because the people who were put in charge of protecting the people of Jenning's seemed way more crooked than any witnesses/suspects in the docuseries and the relationships that these deputies had with their "informants" were borderline criminal activities and that's not even mentioning the alleged drug use by members of the JPD or the "mishandling" of evidence by its members.. I'm soooo glad I watched the series because one thing I learned besides being born on the wrong side of the tracks isn't just a saying where I live I also learned that if I ever need to go to Houston I'll be sure to take the long way around and stay off the I-10 through Jennings, La.
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