Saturday Night Live (1975– )
a downfall worse than the simpsons, without ever having reached the same heightss
7 October 2019
Firing shane gillis is just the nail in the coffin for this bloated corpse of a boomer program. It was never as good as people give it credit for, but at this point it's everything good comedy isn't. watching a bunch of nerds dress up in costumes and try not to laugh at their own jokes isn't something I'm into, so maybe it's just me. the hypocrisy however, is undeniable. a show that tried to stand for counter-culture, boundary pushing, new-talent, and the new york comedy scene devolving into this corporate, celebrity worship, ad-revenue-is-god kinda cable television nonsense is sad, if not despicable. Can anyone honestly say that this represents the new york comedy scene today? take out new york and the answer is still no.

I don't expect this show to be anything other than it is, and if they had never hired gillis in the first place, i'd never have been on their imdb page, let alone writing a review. They wanted to appeal to young people like myself, who don't apologize for having a dark, subversive, sometimes juvenile sense of humor. a sense of humor that's in line with most of the comedians who gave saturday night live it's fame. to then rip the opportunity of a lifetime from shane's hands AND throw him on the sword is cowardly, pathetic, and disgusting. people who heard a 10 second clip out of context and started irresponsibly throwing around the term racist, were not interested in truth, integrity, or comedy, they are concerned in virtue signaling by jumping on the bandwagon. if that's who snl is trying to appeal to, then great. when the pendulum starts to swing back to rationality, all those people will pretend they weren't part of the mob-mentality that tried to dictate what others think, see, and hear.

But I can't wait to see ed helms do a skit with alec baldwin and machine gun kelly!!! (psych)
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