Review of Cuck

Cuck (2019)
Kind of Hilarious, but Misses the Mark
6 October 2019
This Movie....

Overall, if you're just a normal person going about your life, you probably won't enjoy this movie. It's very dark, dreary, and depressing. Also, it does seem like the filmmakers took this movie seriously, which is unfortunate, because if they went straight for a black comedy, this would be a 10 star review, without question. And I know aspiring filmmakers are desperate for a 10 star review from an internet random like me.

The fun parts of this movie are that the main character is such an unlikable pathetic loser, that's it's comical to see him just get constantly humiliated and wrecked in the worst ways possible. I give the creators credit for levels at which Ronnie gets owned in this movie. It is very amusing.

The problem is, once you get past the amusement of seeing a ridiculous caricature of an "alt right" (whatever that is) troll getting humiliated (it is very funny at times), it's a pretty empty movie. Ronnie is such an over the top caricature that you can't really take him seriously. I don't doubt that there's people like him out there, but it does honestly seem like a Liberal Wet Dream of how they envision the typical Republican Voter.

That's why this movie has mostly 10 or 1 point reviews of people either saying it's hateful propaganda against White Men, or it's amazing commentary on how much Right Wingers suck!

Overall, it's kind of a hopeless movie. It's basically saying that there's these guys out there who are totally incompetent, angry, hateful, alone, and ready to snap. And that there's not much we can do about it. Which could be funny in a dark comedy, but is kind of depressing in this movie.
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