Fear the Walking Dead: End of the Line (2019)
Season 5, Episode 16
I thought they were survivors!
3 October 2019
In the world of survival,food running low, no fuel, no ammunition - you fight for it and boy do you fight for it. This is something that the writers have completely and utterly missed. Mistakes happen and no one learns from it. People die and no one learns from it. Ammunition is short, but lets keep shooting and wasting it. Baddies are not bad enough - humans do horrible, terrible things to each other when there is no rule of law and nothing, nada, zilch. Compassion, political correctness, trust all go out of the window in a survival situation and yest these 'survival' shows have none of this. Even Daniel the probable most believable character succumbs to the weakness, for all the horrors he has done and seen in his past life. Why are there no soldiers or ex military who tactically do things? Why no snipers? Why no thought of the danger of wandering off alone? Why, why, why - the questions are endless. Cars and trucks noisy and would attract walkers. Fuel goes off. Ammunition goes off eventually. Food becomes scarce, disease becomes rife... I am stuck watching this too see what happens. I want realism, I want tactics - I WANT SURVIVAL.
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