Review of Lost Boy

Lost Boy (2015 TV Movie)
Worth the watch
1 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie surprisingly good, as not having much expectations. Even the story was a bit cliche and plot holes, it had suspense on and wanted to know what happened in the end. I just didn't understand how the mother just accepted the stranger as her son right away, didn't offer him any therapy at all (as he clearly would have needed it!!) and trusted him almost instantly, like the rest of his family. Even his sister didn't find his new "brother" at all suspicious the way he acted?? And i found it weird they just let the boy just go friends parties and all just after he was found, as if he didn't need any help process the fact he was kidnapped, abused and having serious issues. Anyhow, despite the plot holes in the story, it was surprisingly entertaining indie movie, with strong actors making it worth the watch.
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