Vis a vis (2015–2019)
I am mad about this show!
30 September 2019
This show was a little bit of a hidden gem for me. Tired of Netflix I just happened to scroll all the shows with a big "YAWN" on my lips.... and I was like, "OK I'll give this Spanish 'Orange is the new black wannabe' a shot, maybe it's not so good..." Little did I know! From the go get I was totally hooked. This is not a cosy little heart warmer. It's realistic (I think, haven't actually spent so much time in a women's prison ;) ). You actually believe in the characters. It is not sugar coated. Now it's not cynical or plain violent either. There is a lot of love too. But it never gets saccarine. The characters have multiple layers inm their personaes and the acting is superb. Macarena is NOT "Piper", she's not ridiculous or hippie-dippy-cute. She's kind of an average middle class girl. . She is a bit naïve in the beginning but she toughens up, but not in the exaggerated way that Piper does... Zulema is a little bit too much maybe... but she adds an extra flavour to the show for sure. You get to build up a "hate-love" relationship to all the women. No one is "only good" and "only evil". I admire the actresses that are so involved, so passionate abour their characters. Sometimes it's endearing and really moving, all the women's destinies. So think "prisoner cell block H" with a lot better acting, and you'll get the idea. This is actually one of the best shows I have seen on TV. I love that I get to learn some Spansish too. Just watch it and be amazed,"vale"!
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