When "Professor Bluto" begins to strangle . . .
29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "Olive" about 4:48 into LEARN POLIKENESS, most viewers probably will be hoping that this fickle wallflower finally will be weeded out of Popeye's garden for good. However, no such luck. A glutton for punishment, "Popeye" gulps one of his ubiquitous cans of spinach to save Olive's worthless hide. Popeye's French still needs a little brushing up, of course, as he mistakes Bluto's hat for a "chateau." Putting such haunted houses aside, LEARN POLIKENESS begins on a wry bun, as the sign in Professor Bluto's shop window reads "For a little bit of dough, you can be well-bred." However, when the proprietor of this etiquette boutique is subsequently shown lounging with a banana while his half-bare feet poke out of torn socks, the big brute strikes one as a chap more likely to cram a bun into someone's oven rather than baking one and depositing it politely on their plate!
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