Unbelievable (2019)
Could have been done in 2 hours.
28 September 2019
I'm sorry, but I just don't get all the "10" ratings. I love a good detective piece, and kudos to Collette, Wever, and Dever for their fine acting skills, and I appreciate the writers' efforts to raise issues about social injustice as it applies to rape cases. BUT, this limited series drags and drags and drags.

There were so many pointless scenes that were clearly meant to enhance the character development, but no one evolves in any way. There's nothing all that interesting about how the case progresses-just a series of clues (with many dead ends) that move along at a snail's pace. In fact, I laughed out loud way into Episode 6 where Collette and Wever discuss how insanely boring police work can be. They certainly got that right!

I really wanted to like this drama, but maybe I would have if it had been made into a 2-hour film and cut out all the filler scenes. Ugh.
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