Review of Dark Tourist

Dark Tourist (2018)
In desperate need of a new presenter
27 September 2019
The show itself is pretty cool as you get to see some outrageous things that don't make it into the holiday brochures. In some episodes you get to learn about different cultures and explore them in a way that you didn't think was possible and in other episodes you see how people have made businesses by being very opportunistic by thinking outside of the box. Unfortunately the host, David Farrier, sucks some of the enjoyment out of this series. He travels all round the world experiencing things that the vast majority could only dream of experiencing but anytime he's challenged or finds anything remotely difficult he gets offended and becomes quite abrupt with his hosts. He should be the poster boy for the overly sensitive and easily offended and while many people will relate and sympathise with him, I just found him to be an irritating child for large portions of the show. He's a poor man's Louis Theroux and should step aside to let somebody who's willing be open minded take over should Dark Tourist get a second season.
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