Time Trap (2017)
LAME - Stupid - Putrid - Childish - need I go on?
23 September 2019
I have seen some good time travels movies lately (Travelers, AO, If I Hadn't Met You (Hulu). So, I thought, why not Timetrap? (Netflix) which has a 6.6 rating on imdb (you have to be kidding me - what were all of you on drugs when you rated this show?). Nevertheless, I wasted 1 hour and 15 minutes of my life on this movie, which should have been called Timecrap.

Lame premise, sci fi story which was could have been written by a middle schooler, weak man from the future vs stupid looking cavemen, 3 girls and a guy actually discussing the option of staying in a cave the rest of their lives (of course, no food or water) - these 4 were really deep thinkers. And these were the highlights of this piece of excrement. (this is as close as I could come to a turd)

This was so bad I started fast forwarding with only 15 minutes left - and I gave up with 12 minutes remaining. This is the worst movie I have seen since Nicholas Cage's MANDY, which was so bad that if Nick was paid more than $100, he was overpaid. I don't write many reviews any more - only truly wonderful or dreadful movies. This one gives "dreadful" a bad name.

Stay away - you will thank me. DonB
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