Entertaining but absurd chain of events
21 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a child, my family and I would pile into the car and go to the movies on weekends. Signpost was on a double bill with another picture. As a little kid, I watched movies and TV shows but I didn't look at them critically and analyze the story I was looking at. I recently re-watched this film--all I remembered was Whitman and Woodward in a house with the impressive waterwheel--and realized how implausible the film is.

Great cast, interesting sets (that waterwheel and house was used in a Man From UNCLE show) and excellent photography can't overcome the over-the-top story. There's no way the murderer could have known that mental patient Whitman would knock him out, manage to escape a max security insane asylum, head in the direction of Woodward's house (instead of stealing a vehicle) where he would hide, make her acquaintance with a knife, then have sex with her and trust her not to call the police. Then at the end, the killer picks up Whitman's jacket in front of the police at her house and declares that it's his patient's jacket, blowing everything. When confronted, he confesses right then and there to his impossible scheme.

A more interesting film with Whitman as an actor pretending to be a mental patient to uncover where a fortune was hidden was Shock Treatment with Lauren Bacall as another evil psychiatrist, Roddy McDowall as a psycho killer and lovely Carol Lynley as the nice girl.
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