by far one of the best motion pictures ever made - diamond in the rough
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say that has never been said before? Boogers are something everyone has, but are not sure how to deal with or dispose of. You are going to need a huge box of kleenex while watching the marriage of booger. I understand the decision not to release it to theaters for the safety of those who may die laughing. Certainly the premise was rushed but this gem of hollywood is nothing to sneeze at. This is best viewed without commercial breaks, and contains probably the best food fight in cinematic history. Stanley Kubrick is blushing over the effective use of Blue Danube because it eclipsed 2001. Lets admit it, because you were too critical, you missed one of the most important Hollywood films since Breaking Away. You watched parts of it on TV, picked up the remote control and changed the channel, walked off to handle your own booger. Fact of the matter is, this movie was a preparation. A preparation for how to handle a minor nerd, and because you toyed with the remote, you missed dialogue and wisdom to deal with an actual bigger nerd in real life. I would say shame on you, but your punishment was actually to have to handle a bigger nerd and the havoc that nerd would create, so, I am going to have to recommend that you watch it again. Otherwise, may spend the rest of your life complaining about the real life nerd you had to deal with. and backbiting him every 20 minutes re-hashing that nerd's actions and with words that your coffee friend that "understands". That coffee friend doesnt understand. That coffee friend kept walking into the bathroom to handle a booger in a more ladylike way, or they were tired of your story. You gave up and reached for the remote and missed the entire happiness of Lewis and his new baby...I hope you can live with yourself! Revenge of the Nerds IV is A very heartwarming tale of unconditional love and the power of forgiveness set with a tone that will make you laugh your head off. With a society that is prone for re-makes I have no comprehension why the script hasnt been duplicated with Hollywood's best stars. It certainly has its kinks, however once booger finds his place in life, you can be content to breathe easier. Certainly a rational picture about the importance of acceptance and blended families. Somehow, somewhere someone had the notion to attempt a flick that still somehow remains there being a chick flick, and perhaps one day, a bachelor party favorite. Dudley Dawson gets the respect that he deserves in proving that love can exist between a complete nerd and an Omega Mu. This new generation is lost if they cant remember the simplicity of the good things in life. Created during a time of different value systems, this gem deserves a second look in the light of the current spirit of the age. This one will blow your mind AND your nose. A virtual testament to the power of forgiveness in healing codependent family dynamics, this cinematic triumph ought to be used in marriage counseling sessions actively for couples and singles everywhere. In closing, I dont understand why in 1995, the Academy overlooked this film, and gave the Oskar to Forest Gump.
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