Not a Comedy, that's for sure.
16 September 2019
I admit Kristen Dunst is great in this show but the show is crap. If you think it's funny to see someone in misery then you'll like this show. It's not funny, it's tragic. This show should come with a warning label if you're depressed because it just might push you over the edge.

I can't call this a drama either because it's not dramatic, it's just plain sad. I made it through 2.5 episodes and I just couldn't take anymore. Life is bad enough without watching a TV show about the train wreck some people make of their lives. I don't know what plans the producers have for this show but I can't wait and sit through all that misery to see if there's a happy ending because it seems pretty unimaginable at this point.

My advice, pass by this steaming pile of lost dreams and find a show that knows what it is, drama, comedy, thriller what have you. Something that has a point of view,. The upside of this show is Kristen's life is so miserable it's bound to make you feel better about your own situation.
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