One of the Most Memorable Episodes of the Series!
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I still recall seeing this episode for the first time. Almanzo Wilder is introduced, and it's cute how Laura takes a fancy to him right away. She calls him "Manly" which is the nickname the real Laura Ingalls Wilder had for him. Almanzo's nickname for Laura in the series is "Beth" but in real life it was "Bess" to distinguish her from Almanzo's sister who was also named Laura.

Nellie has finally graduated, and she's given a gift that most kids could only ever dream about: a hotel and restaurant. Of course, Nellie doesn't seem to mind until she realizes that she actually has to do some work. Nellie, of course, still wins that battle, and Caroline is hired after Charles is hit by a millstone and put out of action with a broken arm and ribs.

We see from the start how jealous Laura gets of any woman getting close to Almanzo. When Mrs. Oleson invites "Zaldamo" to dinner so that he and Nellie can get to know each other, Laura volunteers to cook the meal when Caroline refuses (Sunday is the Lord's day).

Of course, Laura has a plan in mind to ruin the dinner. Using cayan pepper instead of cinnamon ends up with Nellie and Almanzo hunched over the water pump.

Now, we have to remember that Laura is the one who instigated this particular feud, and anyone who's watched the series knows that Nellie will get even with her somehow. Stay tuned for Part II.

The season focuses mostly on Laura and Almanzo and how she can get him to see her other than a "little girl in pigtails." This is still one of the most memorable episodes of the series with plenty of hilarious moments as well!
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