Review of Blue Denim

Blue Denim (1959)
Attempts to Educate, Good Acting from Principals, but Inconsistencies Abound
9 September 2019
The film inverts the message of the stage play. More importantly, 16 or 17 year old kids in 1959 had little understanding of abortion or abortion procedures. This was a subject never mentioned. In fact, one of the inaccuracies of the movie is when the boys tell each other of their fathers' attempt at telling them the facts of life. That simply did not happen in 1959. That battle was to start in the 1960s, and even ten years later, most fathers in the 1960s were too ashamed to talk to their sons about "sex". Anyway, it would not have happened in 1959.

Other minor, yet important plot inconsistencies. The teens are shown dancing to 40s music throughout. Teenagers in 1959 were hooked on Dick Clark and American Bandstand and only wanted to dance to the new sound of rock and roll, which radio stations all over the country were playing. No teens were dancing to 40s big band music in 1959. Movies always get this major detail wrong ... they never do their homework concerning contemporary music and teenage behavior, and it cheapens the movies and the subjects portrayed within.
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